Can I push
Push through?
I am a photographer and artist based in Glasgow, Scotland. Through my lens-based practice I seek to interrogate the inherent symbiosis between landscape and mythology - personal, cultural, political. Rituals, including those of the analogue photographic process, the invocations of moving image, incantations of atomic words and the power of uncanny objects form the interlocking parts of this inquiry into the physical and psychic structures that surround us.
As we hurtle through the Anthropocene, many of the dominant cultural myths are exposed as flawed, inaccurate, incomplete. How do we write the collective story of our times while desperately writing our own narrative? These are the propositions that drive my working practice.
Often, living in the concrete cage of late-period capitalism feels apocalyptic, inescapable. Purgatorial. Language fails us, images flicker and shimmer. I see my work as refracting protrusions of a time and place that feels unreal, uncanny, unsettling. However, the map is not the territory, and this is one perspective. In showing this, hopefully there is hope, and there is resistance, there is light.